My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Here It Comes!

My lil ultra mini vacation in Rehoboth was fun, met some new people and connected with some old. HAHAHA sorry Sean, I couldn't resist. The weather was nice until Sunday hit and it was back into the 90's, and don't even get me started on yesterday. It seems to be more of the same this week as well, I am soooo grateful for air conditioning!!!

Working on Peg's Phoenix backpiece today, finishing it up is in the agenda. She certainly took the plunge...and we're discussing some further pieces for the future. I finished a sketch last week for a great client I've done a lot of work on, a lil fun thing, out of the norm for me, apparently a friend of hers got part of same concept but she wanted to push it just a lil further, which is always exciting for me. I've haven't done an Owl in oh so very long and I had been playing around with this concept for a while so when Amber contacted me it was like the gates opened and angels sang. LOL Well maybe more like voices in my head, but you get my meaning. I posted the sketch, I hope you enjoy.
Teaming up with Mandy again in a couple weeks to work some more on her mom Dales' Gypsy leg. Dale took her usual winter break but now that her skin is out and the weather has warmed up for that long drive from North Jersey it's time we got back to work. I promise to get some pics this time of our progress, we get so excited and Dale has so much energy after a session I forget. She's the only person I know who can get up after a 4 hr. long tattoo session and start clickin' her heals and stompin' her feet in a fit of musical frenzy. I am literally dazed after I get tattooed and just wanna crawl into the fetal position and sleep. I HATE the outline!!! but shading and color work never bother me the same, I really don't know too many Tattoo Artists that like getting tattooed, most of my friends in the industry I work on are babies like me. We hate it, it's a control thing I believe, just like Doctors make the worse patients.
Well it's 8:43 am and I have some work to do before I get into the studio, until next time my darlings!!! Peace, Love and MOTHERFUCKIN' TATOOS!!!!! \m/

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