My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Love What I do


In Progress
I've been working on some really interesting projects lately, yesterday tho I started color on a cover up...this client was told by several other artists that this cover-up would be "impossible"
I believe that with a little extra planning and a clever design this could be "possible" Scott gave me creative freedom with this piece with only one request...he wanted a Koi involved someway, somehow. I do a lot of Koi, some clients say that's what I'm known for, however it goes, I like to at least try to make each Koi different in some way since I do so many of them. For Scott his favorite color is red so I wanted to do the Koi in a different color scheme that I think people haven't seen me do before.
Our last session was 3.5 hrs which I basically focused on black and gray and the Koi, I have a few more details I want to add to the Koi before it's finished but here's a lil eye candy to look at while in progress.
I'm also keeping up with in progress pictures on my personal site

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Long Time!!!

So I use to do a weekly Blog...but then stop it for some reason. Why am I starting? who knows...

What have I been up to? TATTOOING MY BRAINS OUT!!! I have been working so much lately, it's like someone opened the flood gates...or there's a GIANT billboard with my name on it out there on Planet Earth. You know what? That's fine with me...I LOVE IT!!! BRING IT!!!
Every tattoo I do, the better I get...every concept I attack the bigger and better it becomes. Working on a ton of sleeves right now, just finished one that's been in the works for 7 months. Josh and I finished up last Saturday and we were almost sad to see it end, but that's OK because in two weeks Josh is back to start his other sleeve. HOWDY!!!!!

Had some remodeling done in my office at the studio, a new floor, it looks amazing!!! The colors bring out the wood and the sage color of my walls. Makes my office even more cozy, if
that's at all possible.

During my little rest from posting I took on an apprentice. Her name is Mandy and she is a doll!!
It's been a year now of her shadowing me, and we've done some collaborative pieces together, which have rocked, and as of June 1st she will be tattooing at the studio full time. WE ARE STOKED!!! I hired her boyfriend Jim White a year ago as well and they have been working out wonderfully, I couldn't ask for a better team to work with. We all work really well together!!!

It's great having an artist back in the studio that I myself want work from. Jim has started a piece on my calf and we'll be starting the rest of the color soon. I started a chest piece on him at the same time, so we've got quite a bit to keep us busy this summer.

Well I think that's a pretty good update...hope everyone has enjoyed!!!! Check out my In Progress Gallery at my personal site

Ciao for now my loves!!!!