My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

M.I.A. I'm back!!!!!

Sorry guys and gals, the new year turned out to be way busier than I had anticipated, but I'm back!!
It's been crazy and wonderful for the past month,  work has kept me busy as usual and I've been involved with two upcoming books. Both are coming out this summer; the first one is a compilation of tattoo artists who've provided the publisher with some of their best tattoos of flowers and other natures gifts. When Nature Calls like I said will be coming out this summer, and I will keep you guys posted to where you can purchase this goody. Now for something really special, my work will be heavily featured in the book Asian Tattoo Motifs which will be published internationally and will also be coming out this summer. Both of these books will be available for purchase and anyone wanting signed copies just let me know. I'm pumped and I hope you are too!!!

Now for work, keeping me busy and creatively on a natural high!! I've picked up  some great new clients and some awesome additions to long time clients. I've been working Jeremy's melon with a great Samurai Skull, just added color to Andrew's second sleeve from me, Chris's huge leg sleeve is finally outlined and we'll be starting color soon, and Anya will be getting color to her belly dancer in the next month or so. As always you can see more of my in progress work on my personal site

Kade( Jeremy and Nikki's youngest son) one of the smallest members of the Chrome Gardens Tattoo Family. Also I've brought on Josh Colledge, who's a newbie to tattooing but making a fine impression on clients. Christian is staying busy and has an ever increasing clientele. Our newest member to the staff at the studio is Darlene, she's coming in to assist Linda on Thursday's to keep the masses in line at the front.

Well that's it for now my peeps, I wanna make some progress on a watercolor in the works and enjoy my Sunday with family. I hope you are all well and enjoying this really mild winter.