My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Snow in October?

You must be fucking joking!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It's enough to make me lose my sense of humor, but we survived through it!! It's great to have a geni.
So, a topic of discussion has risen amongst my friends and I about these studios doing, $10, $13 and $50 tattoos on stupid gimmicks like Friday the 13th, Halloween and Breast Cancer ribbons. Tattoos that cheap don't even pay for the set up, the equipment being used. If a studio or an artist has to cheapen themselves that low to make money, there's a real problem. Maybe they need to take a hard look at the way they do business, or their superior attitude keeping them from getting work. That would be my first thought. Studios that do gimmicks put a bad name on our craft, it shows that all they care about is the "money". They don't care if they're doing quality work or setting a standard. They don't care if their cutting corners in their sterilization or prep, they just wanna get you in and out, like an assembly line. Serious people looking for serious work don't seak out artists who cheapen themselves with deals, breaks and trades. What we do as tattoo artists is a perfected craft that demands respect and when the artists themselves don't respect it, how do they expect anyone to take them serious?
That's my lil rant for the month. I should probably go around to every studio that does this dumb shit and thank them, it allows me to get connect with the serious collectors and do major work.
Major new updates on my personal site so check it
My girl Peg sported her Chrome Gardens T-shirt on the Great Wall when she visited China this past month. YOU LOOK GREAT PEG!!!!


I wrote a new blog a couple days ago, it was pretty good one too. It said it was "auto saving" but when I went to publish it the button wouldn't work, so I went into the saved blogs and it wasn't there. FUCKERS!!!

I will write another one, when I'm not so pissed off at technology for waisting my time!!!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Where'd the sun go?

Brrrrrrrr...OK Autumn is here!!!
It's Wednesday, my day to stay home in my drawing studio and work on designs. This rain tho isn't helping with the inspiration level...I'll work it out. Let's see put some jams on and rock out a bit, that always helps. I've been working on a lot of great pieces lately, my favorite lately is Jim's phoenix, dragon and peony sleeve, as well as Anya's belly dancer. I am certainly staying busy, I have about 6 to 8 half sleeves in progress and a couple cover-ups. Starting a major back cover-up in a couple weeks with a bonsai and lucky bats. A lot of new clients walking in the door, in two weeks I start a sleeve on a great guy from Baton Rouge, all day session, Geisha and Crane! FUN!
The house is finished being painted, it's like moving in all over again to a new place. Getting some new pieces of furniture to complete that new home feeling and the color is so peaceful. After a long day I love nothing more than coming home to a calm, relaxing house.
My birthday is coming up, made reservations months ago at Morimoto's in Philly. Always wanted to go, and well shit turning 44 is enough of a reason so we're doing it. So, looking forward to a great night of tons of good sake, good food and good friends.
I realized yesterday morning that I have lost 10 pant sizes and 12 inches off my waist, STOKED!!! It's been a lot of work and well worth it. No dairy, No wheat, No processed sugars, No eggs, No red meat. It's been a lot of Tofu, rice, veggies and fruit. Getting rid of negative people in my life has helped as well. You don't realize when you're in the middle of it, but people who are negative, mean and cruel to others affect your health more than you think. And Karma is a beautiful thing and what a sling-shot affect it's had this past year. I'm not happy to see others suffer but when someone has it coming to them because they've misrepresented themselves and had hidden motives, it's good to see that they finally get exposed for the frauds they are.
OK my peeps I gotta get to the drawing board, I hope you are all well and keeping away from sick people, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer Sun...

and fun!! This summer has been great!! SO much going on...but having the time to get away for a few days was priceless. Hoping to do it again in October!! Made my reservations for Morimoto's for my birthday!!! SOOOO looking forward to that, I may pee a lil when we're served.
My Shige print arrived and is proudly displayed in the studio. I was so thrilled that it came on fabric!! It's BEAUTIFUL!!!! I never imagined it would have been printed on fabric, what an amazing idea. If I knew how to sew I would buy a couple more and make myself a pair of pants.
I've been sanding and staining a skate board deck, using a dark walnut stain, it's coming out really well, I'm stoked to put on my design. Hopefully by this weekend it'll be dry and I can start drawing. I want to order a few more decks to do a series of vaginal paintings. Yeah I know I'm odd.
A couple Monday's ago went to visit Anya and we worked more on my leg, maybe one or two more session and it'll be finished. Then it's onto my other concepts for my other leg. In a couple weeks I start her belly dancer!!! We're doing that on her upper thigh, I may have to re size it, she's such a lil thing I may have drawn it larger than the area I have, oh well we'll see. I love being able to get work from an artist a really respect. She doesn't have any of that Kat Von "duck face" wanna-be attitude, which is so refreshing right now in the industry. It seems like every artist I come across wants to be a rock star and not an artist. They're more focused on themselves and not their clients, which is blowing up in their faces! I get new clients every day who tell me they're sick of those "ego emo artsy" types. Clients are real people, and they're looking for real people to do their work not the drama they see on TV.
Here's a beautiful boy who came to me from all the way in Montana, we had an all day 7.5 hour session. What a lot of work for both of us, we were exhausted by the end of it all. He hitched hiked from the Harrisburg International Airport, now that's determinatin!! He's going to be sending me some healed pictures soon.
I have been doing a ton of Koi pieces this summer, I'm going to change my name to "The Koi Lady" LMAO I love doing them, so I'm not complaining at all, it's just funny that as it stands right now I'm working on 6 different Koi pieces. Wacky! It must be out in the universe that it's the summer of Koi.
I'm also working on a lot of Hannya, in fact I just got a request for a Hannya and Koi leg sleeve. :D
Well my peeps, loved ones and interested parties, I gotta set up for my day, working on a pre-rennensance portrait style tattoo of baby Jesus and his momma half sleeve. Then later tonight starting a bio-mech man!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I need 6 arms!!

Keepin me busy an away from blog-in' has been crazy busy, remodeling and painting finished and I'm lovin' it!! July 4th was low key, I stayed in next to the AC and just chilled. Maybe that's non-American but I don't need all these holidays to remind me to be patriotic.
Been able to squeeze in time for some painting and my skull projects. I've also been working on a line of limited addition, one-of-a-kind tshirts. I will be doing all the designing and screen printing myself. So, keep your eye out for those juicy bits, and not to worry boys I will do some "big Boy" sizes and ladies I'm working on some baby doll blouses and tank tops. Somethin for everyone!!
Well my peeps I'm outa here, got an appointment waiting!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Damn it~

I wanted to ride the giant fireball in the sky!!!! Rapture my ass!!! How disapointing!!!

Well anyway...Tuesday I did a single session for 7.5 hrs. of a half sleeve for my boy Kris from Montana. Kids got balls that's for sure. Sat like a champ and made the 7.5 hrs fly by with great conversation!! This piece was no joke!! POW! I can't wait to get healed pictures.

I don't have much else to say, it's been a busy long week and I'm ready to get outa here, and relax.

Did a massive update on my In Progress gallery, so check it out. Other than that, summer is here and I'm happy as a clam!!

Peace out!!

Peace, Love & Mother Fuckin Tattoos!!!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I just found out my friend and fellow artist Anya might be going back to Russia, due to our Govt stupid immigration laws and a dickhead of an ex husband, a very beautiful and talented young lady might be leaving us. NOT FUCKING FAIR AT ALL PEOPLE!!!!! There are not many people I like on this planet, I mean truly like, but this kid is one of them. She's real...down to the fiber, nothing fake or shifty about her at all. Her work ethics are beyond reproach, I don't know any other 25 yr old who could hold a candle to her sincerity and commitment to her craft. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed and sending a lot of light her way!!!

That's all I have to say about it. Not Happy :(


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tebori Spring

OK so here we are the day before April 1st. and we just got snow last night. EEEK!!!! I am so sick of being chilly, cold and wearing a jacket and socks!!!

Although it hasn't prevented me from staying busy and productive. After many years and months of preparation I am finally feeling comfortable enough to start offering Tebori to my clients. The is the traditional Japanese art of tattooing by hand. This isn't something I thought lightly about, "what's a white girl doing offering Tebori?" My love and respect for the craft of tattooing in any form kept me coming back to this one thing "Tebori" It's become my obsession. Everything I get my hands on I'm reading, watching Japanese artists at conventions, watching videos, talking with master tattoo artists like Horijo and Horiyen. It's a completely different art form and people who think it's just poking the skin with needles on the end a stick are fooling themselves. It takes great patience and true love of the art of tattooing. Just the amount of energy exerted during the process it completely different. Your precision must be spot on and your technique flawless. These attributes are not unlike electric tattooing, but because everything is done by hand the margin for error is greater. So, on that note I am indulging in this new horizon and have a couple great projects lined up with people who want to experience this ancient and original approach to tattooing. I feel with the recent events of the earthquake I owe it to my love of the Japanese and their culture to further educate my clients in the mysteries of this civilization. As always if anyone reading this would like to contact me about getting a Tebori tattoo please feel free.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So OVERrrrr....

I want winter to end, just when we started to see some ground on the mountain, we got another foot and a half of snow...BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It's so cold!!! And I have recently developed an allergy to extreme cold weather...I shit you not. If I am outside for more than 15 minutes in shit like this I break out in intense hives!!! Now people I ask you, what kinda shit is that? I've been prescribed Clarinex that I take once a day which keeps things under control for the most part, if I have a severe break out I pop a Benedryl or two. I know...let's move to the coldest part of PA. buy a house on a mountain that's situated in a vortex of winter and then become allergic to the cold. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I have to laugh...what else am I to do?!!!

But lets go on with some good news...I've takin on several new clients with some great concepts!!!
A Geisha Samurai half sleeve, a Samurai and Dragon sleeve, a Dragon & Fire with Sakura blossoms half sleeve and Koi and Chrysanthemum sleeve. Keep it comin people, I LOVE IT!!!
Working hard on current projects as well, Christians back is really coming along, we're loving the progress so far, and it's going as planned. We'll be starting the outline of his ribs and stomach soon. I don't want to get too ahead of myself and lose any flow we have, or make things look disjointed.

I recently designed my own Senjafuda, which is a Japanese name sticker.
Basically it's a formal way of saying "Hello my name is ___ and this is what I do or this is who I am or where I'm from. They're primarily used in shrines all over Japan and are somewhat like a western business card. A calling card of sorts but in sticker form. They are paper stickers and I want to keep as traditional to the Japanese way as possible, so sorry friends these won't be something you can slap on your ride, BUT they are beautiful non the less. And can have many fine uses for books, inside window applications or just to treasure cause their cool as hell. I'm planning on having the first bunch printed up by the end of March and will be handing them out. This is a rough color draft right now, still playing around with combinations of red, black and white. Let me know what you think.
OK I'm outta here for now, I'm freezing and gotta get movin!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Delayed due to snow...

Waiting for my client Paul from Florida...his flight is delayed due to weather, so let me make good use of the time. We'll be finishing his half sleeve and chest plate and adding onto the other side of his chest with a fresh outline of Ikazuchi. Lots of work to do!! Can't wait to see him!
Studio is packed today, Christian is slammin out a great flag and cross piece, Dave and Linda are piercing and there's some pretty solid jams playing loud. I've been getting together some great guest artists to visit in the next couple weeks. Kurt Deejong will be here from Chicago and then Anya will doing her first guest spot ever here the first week in March. I plan on getting in on some of that, she's adding onto my Geisha piece with this KILLER Goat demon!!! I am stoked.
The remodeling of the studio is in phase 3 and Tim has about 3 more rooms to go before the painting is officially complete. Lovin all of it, and I'm loving all the detail accents he's been adding. This project is long over due.
I've been plugging away on some paintings, I will post pictures when I feel I have something worth showing, a lot of my effort so far this year 2011 is just getting back into the groove of things after the Holiday. It's only been a month but man it's flown by!!!! But, I'm getting there...
Totally sick of the snow already...yes and I know it's barely begun...but damn give us a break already. We have about 18" at the house, every morning we get a nice new dusting of powder, maybe an inch or two. They're calling for another storm coming Tues. night, but this isn't the fucking weather channel so I will leave that topic alone!!! LOL