My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

You can't see me!!

So...apparently I have become a non entity to Facebook, as of last night my personal page has been disabled, without notice or provocation. I dunno what's going on, they don't recognize me as a person LOL I've had a Facebook page since 2008, I have quite an extensive amount of photos as well as friends, including daily interaction on my page by people and of course myself. So, the geniuses at Facebook are requiring me to prove that I exist by providing my drivers license. I contacted them early this morning with all my important information...I'll provide my Passport if  need be LOL
They gave me a que reply that I would "receive an email shortly" that was 3 hours ago, apparently Facebook's timeline and the rest of the worlds timeline is quite different. I find this all too hilarious to be honest...I can still access my Studio page, which doesn't prevent me from being on Facebook, or posting to Facebook. We'll see what happens kids!!!


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