My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Friday, January 11, 2013

HELLO 2013

Well the world didn't end, and here we are in 2013...where's my jet pack?!!! We were promised jet packs and space travel to Mars by now...fuckin' liars!!! I hope everyone had enjoyable holidays, I'm glad they're over and life can return to normal. As normal as it can be for a woman who stares at peoples naked body parts all day and colors on them LOL

The year has started off with a bang of productivity, a lot of new projects. Leg sleeves, sleeves and back pieces, oh my LOL But honestly what a great start to the year. Go to my In Progress gallery and take a look.

The proverbial question lately has been "why aren't you open to the public anymore" And here is the answer...because I don't have to be. Jan 11th 2013 will mark my 23rd year tattooing and my clients do not get small tattoos. If you know me and know my work then you know I focus on large scale body coverage concentrating on Japanese and Custom work. My schedule is booked out 4 to 6 months in advance, so for me to do someones name or tribal lower back piece is just foolish. I am constantly taking on new clients and new projects, so I'm not missing out on anything. There are plenty of places that have the time and the tattooists to do that caliber of work for people, but it's just not me.

Making the decision to go private was for me to focus more on my clients and the type of work I do, my days of doing 8 tattoos a day are over and have been for quite some time. In the past I would bring tattooist in to take walk-ins but 9 times out of 10 I was having to touch up their work, or deal with complaints from clients about their attitude or blah blah blah. Too much headache and drama for me, thanks.

My schedule is such that I have clients who travel from all over and sit for 6 to 7 hrs. in one day or I may have a day where I have two clients scheduled and each of them sit 3 to 3.5 hrs. a session. I've done my time doing small tattoos, I've done my time doing flash work, I've done my time of tattooing as many people as I can in one day...I've done my time and now it's time for me to enjoy the hard work that I've put into my craft.

I've never set out to be the biggest or busiest studio in the area, having a gang of other artist producing mediocre work out of my studio never interested me. I just don't have that level of testosterone. So, this is the reason why I am private and why my studio isn't open to the public, because I simply don't need nor want to be. I want to be right where I am doing large full body coverage and focusing on the type of tattooing I want to do.

There's the big mystery of why I'm not open to the public anymore...I'm not dying of cancer...I'm not going blind...I don't have crippling arthritis and I haven't stopped tattooing. There's a saying "If they're not talking about you, you're not doing it right" so I must be doing it right for so many people to be all up in my bizness, LOL

So for all my clients, and for all my new clients, take rest in knowing I am well and doing fine and as long as we know what's going on that's all that matters. I talk the talk and I walk the walk...


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