My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Monday, December 23, 2013


2013 has been an absolutely GREAT year!!! TONS of incredible tattoo projects, many new clients have crossed the threshold of the studio. I'm painting everyday, and finally things feel like they've fallen into place. All my hard work over the past 24 years has been paying off, I am in a position that I thought I would never reach. But, working my knuckles down to the bone, squaring my shoulders and pushing through all the bullshit has put me exactly where I want to be. The studio is going on it's 2nd year of being private and the environment I've created has allowed me to work in such a relaxing space, others would be jealous. My convention schedule is going to increase to include, Baltimore, Valley Forge and Cleveland, possibly Hell City as well. I'm excited to start traveling again but I'm not going to take myself away from the studio too much, I have too many projects that I work on every two weeks, it would be unfair to those clients.

All the great people I've met this year has truly made me feel blessed. Incredibly positive and motivational beings that have spurred on creativity for me. I've also had the opportunity to reconnect with old friends that have been truly supportive in my ever lasting journey for self improvement and exploration.

I'm happy to say that I am healthy, physically and emotionally, both Linda and I have taken this new road and have found a peaceful journey compared to the roller coaster of past years. We have built a loving family, a tattoo family. The Super Secret Tattoo Society (stickers coming soon) where we are free to be ourselves. We are grateful.

Bring on 2014 I'm ready and chomping at the bit!!! So excited and ready to share all the goodness with all of you. Even tho I'm still waiting for my jet pack and transporter, I feel this year is going to be even more exciting than the previous.


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