My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

What's goin on

Every chance I get lately I have been painting my ass off...I'm absolutely amazed with the amount of inspiration I'm having working in a private setting. I've even started taking on commissioned pieces which is something I never had time to do. I've made myself an Etsy store as well to sell prints.

They're Glicee Signed and numbered
Printed on Archival 100% recycled bamboo
Pretty snazzy I must say and the color registry is PERFECT!!! I couldn't ask for anything better. It was one of the things I worried most about was the color correction, some places just don't get it right, but happy to say this place does.

So, I keep pushing forward as always, staying busy on all fronts which you all know makes me super happy. Taking on some incredible new clients with awesome concepts that are really fun to do. I have only a couple spots left for the Philadelphia show in 2014, so if any of you were considering making time with me I suggest you get in contact. I also just got an invite to do the Cleveland show in the summer, that's going to make my Ohio clients very very happy. I will keep everyone posted about my travel dates on my site

My birthday was just on the 18th and that was a total BLAST!!!! A group of us went to Morimoto's in Philly and ate decadently and drank to excess. I'd have to say it was the best birthday ever...but Linda keeps reminding me I always say that LOL I guess I'm one of those people who likes their birthday.

Sorry this isn't longer, but I think I've hit all the important points that I wanted to cover. I have a long day today, starting color on a full sleeve of a cherry blossom tree and koi. So, for now I'm out!!
Bundle up my lovelies it's getting cold!!


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