My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Honestly I don't know why I started a Blog, I'm horrible at keeping up with it.
I've just been so busy with work and life, it seems sometimes the time it takes to sit here and write
is just wasted. No one reads this damn thing anyway LOL

Staying steady at work, booking into the end of October now, which has a few people pissy but honestly if you don't want to wait for me then you really don't want work from me. I am but one person with two arms and I work my ass off on large pieces not lil flash trinkets. Look at my portfolio before you come to talk to me, see that I work on sleeves, back pieces, full body suits and if you feel that I'm the right person to do your hummingbird tattoo than guess what? You're going to have to be patient before I'm able to get you into my schedule, it's as simple as that. I try to accommodate as many people as possible...but I also have a life. I'm just telling it like it is.

So, yes I've been staying very busy with some incredibly fun pieces. A little of this and little of that...
Jim's sleeve is coming along very well, we just finished the color on the Hannya mask and we'll be moving on up to the "Lover's Kiss"
Kristie is a new client and we did a great session doing all her outline for her 3/4 sleeve of mums with water and wind. This is her first project and she sat like a real pro.
I've been plugging away at DJ's back, what a cover-up, this is almost as bad as Christian's but at least with DJ there's only the entire right shoulder to hide and not his entire lower back. So far the design is covering well and I'm really enjoying the outcome so far.

Just finished a really fun half sleeve on a new client it took 10 hours and 2 sessions. Joe was NOT fucking around, this guy is an animal. We were all so impressed with his ability to sit for 5 solid hours each session and then healing his work flawlessly. WAY TO GO JOE!!! Now his piece you'll have to go back to my website and look in my In Progress Gallery. I'll give you a hint, it has lotus flowers.

Well folks it's time for me to get down to business and do some drawings for upcoming pieces.
Thanks for those who read this...thanks for any comments made and then rest of you..I guess you're just creepsters.


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