My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I'm here...I promise...and alive and well. Going private has literally been the best choice I've ever made in my life...well next to tattooing. It has been wonderful that I've been focusing on even bigger pieces and focusing more on painting as well.  What a sensual experience it is to have a private, quiet, void of other artists drama space to work in.

This is a piece I just finished for my client Peg, this is the 3rd project we've done on her. Super fun gal and always just let's me do my thing. You can see the rest of her work in in my Japanese Gallery on my personal site.

Jim's sleeve also pictured, what a great project that was...another client who just gave me a free reign over the concept.

We're now moving onto his back which is the goddess of music, very excited about this. She is the goddess Benzaiten and carries a lute with her, she is the goddess of music, which fits Jim perfectly for his own passion for music. The outline will take about three sessions to complete, it's very detailed. Her gown has a dragon and cloud work on it, as well as the addition of chrysanthemums and wind work added to background.

This was just the stencil for Benzaiten, which will cross across the left butt cheek and onto and around the left thigh.

Soooo, yeah I've been working on a lot of groovy pieces. Taken on some concepts that believe it or not I've never done before which is really exciting and fresh.

Some new clients from Ohio, and Wisconsin and California, which I am always honored that people travel so far for my work. It really is a special feeling and very humbling.

This was SUPER AWESOME!!!! My work was heavily used is the newly published book "Asian Motifs for Tattoos" by Sanjukta Ghose. She had contacted me a couple months ago, asking permission to use some of my work for her book, but I had no idea that my work would be featured on the spine, inside cover, back cover and 13 other places through out the book. Even one of my Tebori was featured. What an honor to be 1 of only 2 American Tattoo Artists featured in this book...a very monumental point in my career, I must say. It's one thing to have your work featured in a magazine but it totally feels completely different to see it in someone elses book. Copies are available for sale on so if any of you want to pick up a copy please do.

Well I gotta scoot and set up for a client, just wanted to pop by and say HI!!! and give some info and what not.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ding Dong...

Well it's been a full month or a little more of the studio being private, and I love it!!!! I probably should have done this years ago, but everything happens in it's own sweet time. There's no turning back now and that's fine with me. I love everything about being private...most of all not dealing with kids who are price shopping or just wasting our time. 
Front lobby

Top pictures my office for consultations and drawing reviews and bottom photos of my tattoo office...we all know what goes on there.            

So as it stands things have been great and I'm loving the new layout, the serenity and over-all positive vibe being private lends to my studio. My clients have been loving it as well, really excellent feed back.
On other great news the Asian Motifs For Tattoos has been released and it is a beautiful book and my work is extensively showcased through it. I am honored to be a part of such a great publication, as well as being in the company of some really talented artists. It can be purchased at It's really a must pick-up for any tattoo collector or stalker of mine LOL 

I can't believe it's almost September...the summer has flown by...but it's been an incredibly productive summer!!! Speaking of...I have any appointment coming in so I gotta sign off for now.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Girl, you'll be a woman...

Tomorrow is the studio's 18th Birthday!!! What a woman she's grown into!!! It's been a classic Cinderella story, and now the new chapter begins.

We've been busting out hump to get her ready for the 17th, everything's almost done, we'll make a final push this weekend to get things perfect and in their proper place. Knowing me they're will be some final tweeks here and there until I'm 100% satisfied.  I will post pics probablt sometime in the next couple weeks.

My bestest friend in the entire universe is on her way down today with her awesome husband and kick ass son. Coming to celebrate with me with a Sushi dinner and some Saki probably. Can't wait to see her!! We've been chums since our learners permit in High School, not to many people have that kind of friend/sister/comrad. She owns a toy store in Doyelstown PA, and what a success she is, who would have thought two goth nerd chics from a small town would rock it so hard in their 40's now!!! LOL

"Rebirth" 11x17 Print for sale
I've been doing some painting and other outside art in the time we've been remodeling. I plan to do a serious of Shunga pieces, as well as tattoos. Shunga (春画?) is a Japanese term for erotic art. Most shunga are a type of ukiyo-e, usually executed in woodblock print format. While rare, there are extant erotic painted handscrolls which predate the Ukiyo-e movement.[1] Translated literally, the Japanese word shunga means picture of spring; "spring" is a common euphemism for sex.

As well as a series of Sepuka works. To the left is the first in the series.
Seppuku (切腹?, "stomach-cutting") is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. Seppuku was originally reserved only for samurai. Part of the samurai bushido honor code, seppuku was either used voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies (and likely suffer torture), or as a form of capital punishment for samurai who had committed serious offenses, or performed for other reasons that had brought shame to them. They often committed seppuku when in danger of being killed by the enemy, or even sometimes it was voluntary as they thought it was honourable. The ceremonial disembowelment, which is usually part of a more elaborate ritual and performed in front of spectators, consists of plunging a short blade, traditionally a tantō, into the abdomen and moving the blade from left to right in a slicing motion.

Well Chris I have to set up for my first appointment of the day. This blog post is dedicated to Chris Oliver who told me I needed to Blog more...LOL This is for you dude!!! Hope you have a safe flight back to the Middle East.


Friday, June 8, 2012

You're 18 NOW!!!

July 15th 2012 marks the 18th Year Anniversary for Chrome Gardens. How exciting is this?!!! VERY!!

We are over-joyed in celebration and in our efforts to make the studio an even better environment for you and for myself. We are making the transition into a private, exclusive studio. What does this mean?

This means that we will no longer be open as a street studio. This means that our studio will... be private for an even more pleasurable experience to be had by all.

We will be providing a lounge for my clients to rest or chill after and/or before the long journey. A lounge fully equipped with a flat screen television, coffee, tea, juices, water and snacks, etc. Homemade goods provided by Chef Dan of course.

Providing you with an atmosphere of comfy chairs and sofa to relax, a place to unwind before we start our session or before you head back on the road.

I have been tattooing now for 22 years and this is what I have always dreamed of for my clients and for myself. My clientele have become some of the most diverse and exclusive gathering of people I could ever hope for, serious collectors of fine Japanese and Custom tattoos. It's time for us to go to the next level. This environment will be privileged, comfortable and Zen for everyone.
This DOES NOT mean I'm retiring or not accepting new clients or new projects, I'M ALWAYS READY FOR NEW WORK, it means that, you as my client, will get to enjoy an even better premier
experience beyond the work I do on you.

For those of you that have appointments after July 16th the only change that will happen, will be a simple push of the buzzer at the door and Linda will be there to let you in. So, business as usual for myself, same great location, just an immersion of a long awaited dream that has become reality.

If anyone has any questions or a need for additional information please let me know.

I can't wait to share this new journey and experience with all of you.

All my love and gratitude,

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Honestly I don't know why I started a Blog, I'm horrible at keeping up with it.
I've just been so busy with work and life, it seems sometimes the time it takes to sit here and write
is just wasted. No one reads this damn thing anyway LOL

Staying steady at work, booking into the end of October now, which has a few people pissy but honestly if you don't want to wait for me then you really don't want work from me. I am but one person with two arms and I work my ass off on large pieces not lil flash trinkets. Look at my portfolio before you come to talk to me, see that I work on sleeves, back pieces, full body suits and if you feel that I'm the right person to do your hummingbird tattoo than guess what? You're going to have to be patient before I'm able to get you into my schedule, it's as simple as that. I try to accommodate as many people as possible...but I also have a life. I'm just telling it like it is.

So, yes I've been staying very busy with some incredibly fun pieces. A little of this and little of that...
Jim's sleeve is coming along very well, we just finished the color on the Hannya mask and we'll be moving on up to the "Lover's Kiss"
Kristie is a new client and we did a great session doing all her outline for her 3/4 sleeve of mums with water and wind. This is her first project and she sat like a real pro.
I've been plugging away at DJ's back, what a cover-up, this is almost as bad as Christian's but at least with DJ there's only the entire right shoulder to hide and not his entire lower back. So far the design is covering well and I'm really enjoying the outcome so far.

Just finished a really fun half sleeve on a new client it took 10 hours and 2 sessions. Joe was NOT fucking around, this guy is an animal. We were all so impressed with his ability to sit for 5 solid hours each session and then healing his work flawlessly. WAY TO GO JOE!!! Now his piece you'll have to go back to my website and look in my In Progress Gallery. I'll give you a hint, it has lotus flowers.

Well folks it's time for me to get down to business and do some drawings for upcoming pieces.
Thanks for those who read this...thanks for any comments made and then rest of you..I guess you're just creepsters.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

M.I.A. I'm back!!!!!

Sorry guys and gals, the new year turned out to be way busier than I had anticipated, but I'm back!!
It's been crazy and wonderful for the past month,  work has kept me busy as usual and I've been involved with two upcoming books. Both are coming out this summer; the first one is a compilation of tattoo artists who've provided the publisher with some of their best tattoos of flowers and other natures gifts. When Nature Calls like I said will be coming out this summer, and I will keep you guys posted to where you can purchase this goody. Now for something really special, my work will be heavily featured in the book Asian Tattoo Motifs which will be published internationally and will also be coming out this summer. Both of these books will be available for purchase and anyone wanting signed copies just let me know. I'm pumped and I hope you are too!!!

Now for work, keeping me busy and creatively on a natural high!! I've picked up  some great new clients and some awesome additions to long time clients. I've been working Jeremy's melon with a great Samurai Skull, just added color to Andrew's second sleeve from me, Chris's huge leg sleeve is finally outlined and we'll be starting color soon, and Anya will be getting color to her belly dancer in the next month or so. As always you can see more of my in progress work on my personal site

Kade( Jeremy and Nikki's youngest son) one of the smallest members of the Chrome Gardens Tattoo Family. Also I've brought on Josh Colledge, who's a newbie to tattooing but making a fine impression on clients. Christian is staying busy and has an ever increasing clientele. Our newest member to the staff at the studio is Darlene, she's coming in to assist Linda on Thursday's to keep the masses in line at the front.

Well that's it for now my peeps, I wanna make some progress on a watercolor in the works and enjoy my Sunday with family. I hope you are all well and enjoying this really mild winter.