My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

OK it's November already?


Man ok so here it is another month gone by, just like that poof!

Studio remodeling is happening and it looks FANTASTIC!!! I couldn't be more pleased, Tim is doing a bang up job!! When all is said and done we will be holding a little open house for clients to see as well as posting pictures online.

I've taken on some great new projects, a double sleeve concept from a great guy who even had laser done to give me a clean slate to work with. Some cover-up work on the rack , just finished this swallow ribcage piece, (that's pictured here to the left) dude sat like a champ!! Five and a half hours in one session, I would have gone fetal!! But that's why my clients rock!!! A lil sketch there too that I did for another new client, sweet lil thing, her first tattoo. I did a massive update on my personal site, with all the new backpieces I've started and the sleeves I've recently completed. I am certainly not bored or struggling for work, that's for sure. It makes me thankful to walk into my studio every day that people trust me with their skin and their inspirations. I've invested my life to this craft and my clients and it does pay off. Nothing in this industry comes easy for women, that's for sure, I was told once that my "tits were too big to learn to tattoo" LOL Believe it!! I've had my share of people taking advantage of my kindness and generosity, but in the long hall those who have been true friends, those I can count on, who don't want anything from me but plain ol' me and my smiling face are still in my life. I certainly keep myself reserved now from people, which I have to say has only made me focus more on my art and tattooing. So thanks!!
Well peeps time to get in the shower and get off to the studio to "sling some ink". I hope everyone is enjoying the coming Fall, the leaves on the mountain are beautiful, and the ride into town is spectacular!!

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