My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


BTW if you kids out there don't know. Went to Philly to hang with my friends and we hit up our favorite Korean place and chowed!!! Had a great weekend!!!! I always do when I'm surrounded by good positive people. Nerice LOVED her BERFDAY painting I did for her, it'll look great in their new house. According to her!!

Studio has been busy busy with the cooler weather coming in, suits me just fine since I'm a workaholic! LOL Remodeling is happening as well, love the color scheme we picked and it's getting under way!! I've been working on some really exciting pieces lately...starting a Samurai and Tiger backpiece that I'm just loving the progress on. This is Gene's first serious piece and he sits like an animal!! Posted pics above.
In a couple weeks I'll be starting a Geisha and waterfall backpiece and a Dragon and Koi back as well. I'll of course be uploading pics to my In Progress Gallery at my site
Loving the color change on the mountain!! My favorite time of year!! There have been a lot of deer in the yard lately too. It's incredible to watch in the morning when I'm having my juice, they walk right up to the house and eat the clover. Saw a young buck witht he family the other day, hopefully he gets grow a lil more before some hunter comes by and puts a bullet in him.
Well gotta run and get ready for my day. Enjoy the day everyone!

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