My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Travel and Conventions

Hey my peeps some exciting for a while there's been an over-whelming interest in my getting back on the convention circuit. People have been contacting me as well as long time clients inquiring if I'll do conventions again. Mmmmm and I've been scratching my chin at the idea... I gave up working conventions because it took too much time away from the studio and not having the right kind of staff to handle being alone in the studio made it near impossible for me to continue to do conventions. I am also blessed with clients who want huge work and traveled to me so that always keeps me tethered to the studio. So conventions were always such an inconvenience for me.

Now that I've gone private my life has become so much easier as well as less stressful which has opened me up to being able to schedule more travel time for conventions. My work load is still the same which keeps me busy but I have more opportunities now to have a more flexible schedule which makes me super excited!!!!

Not to worry, since I'm booked into January 2014 I'm not going on some long 6 month tour off to Europe, I'm easing myself back into things and starting with the Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention at the beginning of February. When it gets closer to the end of the year I should have the exact dates from the promoter. I'll have my chica Anya Gladun from The Body Gallery with me so we'll be hottest booth there LOL Then it will be onto some other East Coast shows and so on and so forth. I'm going to be picky and work the shows I use to do and possibly add some other ones that have a good vibe. I'll be adding a new page to the studio website and my personal site with all the shows and dates that I'll be doing. I don't want traveling to take away from my schedule at the studio so things will be well balanced to keep my on going large projects and long time clients a priority, they are the most important. However I'm opening myself up to people who are unable to travel to me or to get myself a little closer to those who do travel to come see me.

So, if you're interested in booking time with me for the Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention in February you can do so...but I would suggest not waiting too long because my peeps from Philly, Jersey and NY will pounce and they will get first dibs.

Very exciting!!! I can't wait to see old friends!!! As well as get my toes back into the Circus of conventions.

"Storm" by Stacy McCleaf on Anya Gladun

 "Dragon & Phoenix" by Stacy McCleaf on Michele