This is a piece I just finished for my client Peg, this is the 3rd project we've done on her. Super fun gal and always just let's me do my thing. You can see the rest of her work in in my Japanese Gallery on my personal site.
Jim's sleeve also pictured, what a great project that was...another client who just gave me a free reign over the concept.
We're now moving onto his back which is the goddess of music, very excited about this. She is the goddess Benzaiten and carries a lute with her, she is the goddess of music, which fits Jim perfectly for his own passion for music. The outline will take about three sessions to complete, it's very detailed. Her gown has a dragon and cloud work on it, as well as the addition of chrysanthemums and wind work added to background.
This was just the stencil for Benzaiten, which will cross across the left butt cheek and onto and around the left thigh.
Soooo, yeah I've been working on a lot of groovy pieces. Taken on some concepts that believe it or not I've never done before which is really exciting and fresh.
Some new clients from Ohio, and Wisconsin and California, which I am always honored that people travel so far for my work. It really is a special feeling and very humbling.
This was SUPER AWESOME!!!! My work was heavily used is the newly published book "Asian Motifs for Tattoos" by Sanjukta Ghose. She had contacted me a couple months ago, asking permission to use some of my work for her book, but I had no idea that my work would be featured on the spine, inside cover, back cover and 13 other places through out the book. Even one of my Tebori was featured. What an honor to be 1 of only 2 American Tattoo Artists featured in this book...a very monumental point in my career, I must say. It's one thing to have your work featured in a magazine but it totally feels completely different to see it in someone elses book. Copies are available for sale on so if any of you want to pick up a copy please do.
Well I gotta scoot and set up for a client, just wanted to pop by and say HI!!! and give some info and what not.