My blog is an exstention of my personal website, I do a lot of thinking...I'm known for being opinionated, so here is where I'll rant and rave, show off, toot my own horn, or just let my peeps know what's goin on in my life outside the studio.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Where'd the sun go?

Brrrrrrrr...OK Autumn is here!!!
It's Wednesday, my day to stay home in my drawing studio and work on designs. This rain tho isn't helping with the inspiration level...I'll work it out. Let's see put some jams on and rock out a bit, that always helps. I've been working on a lot of great pieces lately, my favorite lately is Jim's phoenix, dragon and peony sleeve, as well as Anya's belly dancer. I am certainly staying busy, I have about 6 to 8 half sleeves in progress and a couple cover-ups. Starting a major back cover-up in a couple weeks with a bonsai and lucky bats. A lot of new clients walking in the door, in two weeks I start a sleeve on a great guy from Baton Rouge, all day session, Geisha and Crane! FUN!
The house is finished being painted, it's like moving in all over again to a new place. Getting some new pieces of furniture to complete that new home feeling and the color is so peaceful. After a long day I love nothing more than coming home to a calm, relaxing house.
My birthday is coming up, made reservations months ago at Morimoto's in Philly. Always wanted to go, and well shit turning 44 is enough of a reason so we're doing it. So, looking forward to a great night of tons of good sake, good food and good friends.
I realized yesterday morning that I have lost 10 pant sizes and 12 inches off my waist, STOKED!!! It's been a lot of work and well worth it. No dairy, No wheat, No processed sugars, No eggs, No red meat. It's been a lot of Tofu, rice, veggies and fruit. Getting rid of negative people in my life has helped as well. You don't realize when you're in the middle of it, but people who are negative, mean and cruel to others affect your health more than you think. And Karma is a beautiful thing and what a sling-shot affect it's had this past year. I'm not happy to see others suffer but when someone has it coming to them because they've misrepresented themselves and had hidden motives, it's good to see that they finally get exposed for the frauds they are.
OK my peeps I gotta get to the drawing board, I hope you are all well and keeping away from sick people, physically, mentally and emotionally.